Why not Book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem via Hotel


Book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem

Why not Book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem via Hotel?

The easiest way to Book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem is to go to the reception of your hotel in Eilat, Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, and ask the receptionist or the concierge to book the tour for you. Yet, is it your best option?

The receptionist or the concierge at your hotel will gladly recommend you on a “good tour”, and help you to book a Tour to Petra or a Tour to Jerusalem. They will even do all the bookings for you, and save you a lot of headache.

So why don’t trust the receptionst or the concierge at your hotel to book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem for you? Well, it’s obvious that the hotel doesn’t really operate the tours that it offers. They just resell these tours to some tour operator for a big commission. This is very normal, and you surely won’t mind the hotel to have some profit for helping you to book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem. However, the big question is which is the tour operator that the receptionist or concierge at your hotel recommended to you, and booked the tour for you. Is it really an unbiased recommendation on a good or even just a decent tour? The answer to this question is probably not!

Some tour operators offer to hotels and motels a commission for book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem with them. The receptionist and concierge at the hotels don’t care about the quality of the tours that they sell, and they carry no responsibility about these tours. So, they just send you to the tour operator that offers them the highest commission, which is probably not the best tour operator. Actually, it might be the worst tour operator, and in some cases just a local that has no license.

In some hotels there is an attractions desk that offers tours and attractions. These attractions desks are rented by the hotel to local agents that resells tours for commissions. So, when you see an attraction desk with a big sign that says ‘Best Tours’, then just ask yourself if they really sell the best tours, and verify with them to which tour operator they resell their tours.

If you book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem at your hotel, then the minimum that you should do is to insist to know which tour operator will actually handle the tour. Check the testimonials of people on TripAdvisor, in order to make sure that it’s really a reputable and recommended tour operator.

The best option of Book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem is to do a quick search on Google and on TripAdvisor, and book your tour online with a reputable tour operator. Luckily for you, you already found the best tour operator that allows you to Book Tours to Petra and Tours to Jerusalem.

Book now our Best Petra Tours in a business class!

Have a great trip! 🙂

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